General notes
- Data for some topics do not exist at all levels of geography. In addition, sources may differ across geographies or years within the same topic because Minnesota Compass seeks to provide the best available data for each community or comparison.
- If data are suppressed, they are often available at a higher level of geography. Data are suppressed when there are fewer than 10 people or units in a category, the percentage estimate is less than 1%, or the error margins were greater than 70% of the estimate of a numeric value, such as median income.
- Percentages may not sum to 100 percent due to rounding.
- The Build Your Own tool uses American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates, and Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)
- For neighborhoods and custom areas, returns are generated using a data apportionment algorithm to redistribute demographic, economic, and household characteristics into a granular point dataset from which aggregations for input features are computed.
- For more detailed source information, links to original data, notes, and error margins, please see "data and notes" under the dropdown menu labeled view found on the key measure graph in the relevant topic area. Links to data sources are provided below if not available under the key measure drop down menu.