Group photo of families from the Morris, MN area enjoying an outing put on by Conexiones.
Data help
provide evidence of growing immigrant populations in Minnesota


"Immigrants are putting down roots in many greater Minnesota communities. It’s not uncommon to hear Spanish being spoken or see cultural foods at the local grocery store. While these informal observations of community changes are valuable, incorporating data into our work provides concrete evidence to support the demographic changes we are seeing in our communities."

Autumn Macias
Executive Director

Describe the work of your organization: Conexiones works to connect immigrants to the Stevens and Swift County communities.

How do you use data in your work?

Immigrants are putting down roots in many Greater Minnesota communities. It’s not uncommon to hear Spanish being spoken or see cultural foods at the local grocery store. While these informal observations of community changes are valuable, incorporating data into our work provides concrete evidence to support the demographic changes we are seeing in our communities.

How have you used Minnesota Compass in your work?

We use Minnesota Compass to access data regarding the immigrant community both at the state and county levels. This data is important in our grant writing process as it provides evidence of the growing immigrant population and highlights the need for our programming and services.

Have you seen any outcomes from your data story?

We have received several grants where we included data points to show the increase of immigrant families to our area.