Career/Technical Education (CTE) Statistics
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) compiles data on career and technical education at the secondary (i.e., high school) and post-secondary level. CTE includes credential-seeking certificate and degree-granting programs that focus specifically on vocational preparation.
College and Career Tables Library
Tracks a range of postsecondary indicators, from pre-college experiences to post-college employment, graduate education, and civic participation. The data tool is made available by the Institute of Education Sciences at the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
State agency with primarily responsibility for tracking and improving economic success in Minnesota. Statewide and at smaller geographic levels, its data tools provide information on employment and unemployment, including:
- Labor force participation and employment/unemployment rates
- Job vacancies by industry, occupation, and educational requirements
- Employment projections by industry and occupation
- Graduate employment outcomes
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Data, research and analysis on postsecondary enrollment, financial aid, finance and trends in Minnesota’s post-secondary institutions. This state agency source includes data on:
- College student enrollment
- Degrees awarded in Minnesota
- Financial aid program data
- Undergraduate tuition and fees
State of Working America Data Library
Up-to-date and comprehensive historical data on the American labor force, including wages, inequality, and other economic indicators over time and among demographic groups. Compiled from Economic Policy Institute analysis of government data sources.
Educational Attainment – U.S. Census Bureau
The Census provides detailed tables, visualizations, briefs, and infographics on the highest level of education completed by individuals. Current and historic estimates on attainment and field of degree are available for smaller geographies and by age, race, sex, and Hispanic origin when sample sizes permit.
The Chronicle of Higher Education Data
This news source regularly publishes articles and provides up-to-date data on administrators, institutions, finances, faculty, students, and compensation. The Almanac of Higher Education is published annually to provide information on the profession, student demographics, access and equity, finances, technology, and international comparisons.
Labor Databases, Tables & Calculators – Bureau of Labor Statistics
This Federal agency provides data, tables, and text files on labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy.
Minnesota Private College Council
This council represents private, non-profit post-secondary institutions in Minnesota and provides data on enrollment, degrees, access, diversity, staffing, student outcomes, and impact.
MnSCU Facts and Figures
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system makes information available on its enrollment, students, system, and planning for 31 institutions statewide.
National Information Center for Higher Education Policymaking and Analysis
This site was developed to inform higher education policy decision-making. It includes state-level figures on educational attainment, college access and affordability, completion, efficiency, finance, and workforce and economic conditions.
Open Doors – Institute of International Education
Open Doors is a comprehensive information resource on international students and scholars studying or teaching at higher education institutions in the U.S., and U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit at their home colleges or universities.
Postsecondary Surveys and Programs at the National Center for Education Statistics
This program at the National Center for Education Statistics provides raw and summary data on students, financial aid, postsecondary faculty, degree recipients, and institutions. One of the most notable data sources available through this program is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
University of Minnesota Office of Institutional Research
This university office collects and analyzes data for the purposes of institutional planning, policy development, and decision-making. It provides information on students, human resources, tuition and finances, survey results, and planning at the University of Minnesota, one of the nation’s largest schools.